Monday, July 30, 2007

Work and School

I got a job!
I was looking and praying and driving around stopping in places to check on openings for job.
I drove by Taco Inn, and saw that they had a sign up that said " Apply Now", so I went inside and applied. I talked to the manager and he hired me on the spot. I was so happy! What an answer to prayer! So now I work at Taco Inn, Monday through Friday from 11-2.

I'm still working on getting into school. I applied at Union and Bryan. I'm just trying to stay on top of everything that I have to do or papers that I need to get to them.

Well, I'll write more later!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hey! well I know I must have an address...Ill work on getting that on the next post. I am in the mountains so it is not really jungle. But it leans that way in the foliage. But they do have a dry season when they say everything gets brown. I love it! it is beautiful and the people are great!